React and ES6 - Part 3, Binding to methods of React class (ES7 included)
When using ES6 classes with React, class methods are now not automatically binded to the class instance. We'll discover various ways to overcome this.
React and ES6 - Part 2, React Classes and ES7 Property Initializers
We will start with creating CartItem React component based on ES6 class. As a bonus, we'll see how we could use ES7 property initializers to beautify our code.
Browserify, Babelify and ES6
This post briefly describes Browserify, Babel and Babelify.
React and ES6 - Part 1, Introduction
Introduction into what is ECMAScript6, how to start using it in browsers. Describes steps to setup development workflow to build React components in ES6 with help of Gulp and Babel.
Global .gitignore file
Blog post explaining what for you might need global .gitignore file. Guides you through creation of this file for Mac OS X.
Hello World, I am Egor Smirnov
Introductory post of this blog.
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